Rivers Bend Coffee Roasting Spring Special

$50.00 available on subscription

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“Spring is in the air, and Mother’s Day is right around the corner! 

Treat mom to a delicious bag of fresh, locally roasted specialty coffee from Rivers Bend Coffee Roasters. 

Our spring and Mother’s Day special is here! Get 3 12oz bags of our finest coffee blends and single-origin coffees for just $50, including free shipping*. 

Our coffee is roasted to perfection to give you a rich and smooth taste that will leave you wanting more. 


Order now, enjoy a cup of Rivers Bend Coffee Roasters coffee with Mom, and make her day extra special!” 


*Offer excludes Kona



Choose a Beans

Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Kenya, Rwanda, Sumatra, Ethiopia, Decaf, Lake house, Lennore, Tres Rios, Rivers Bend Esp, Holiday blend

Beans Preference

Whole Beans, Ground Beans (French Press), Ground Beans ( Espresso), Ground Beans (Drip)

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